January 2015 Goals

One of my New Year Resolutions was to start making monthly goals…

And sticking to those monthly goals.

So in the month of January I will..

1) Try two new recipes
2) Cross one item off the bucket list
3) Complete two DIY projects
4) Finish reading two books
5) Run/walk 168 miles
6) Take 10,000 steps a day

Hopefully I will be back to tell you I did all of these things and more.

Over and out,

New Years Resolutions

I rarely do New Years Resolutions, and if I do I rarely uphold myself to them. It’s hard, we get busy and forget.

I am hoping by writing down my resolutions I will be able to hold myself to them a little better.

So in 2015 I will…
1) Get out of credit card debt
2) Set up a budget and stick to it
3) Start saving for retirement
4) Save a dollar for each week
5) Blog 3 times a week
6) Cross 12 items off the bucket list
7) Run/walk 2,015 miles in 2015
8) Take 10,000 steps daily (add 500 steps every month)
9) Run 12 5k’s
10) Run 3 10k’s
11) Run 2 Half Marathons
12) Run 1 Full Marathons
13) Set monthly goals

That’s what I plan on doing in the New Year. Do you have any New Years Resolutions?

Over and out,

Bucket List

I think just about everyone has a list of things that they want to do before they die…whether it’s written down or not.
In one of my high school classes, which seems like so long ago but I only graduated six years ago, we had to write our own “Bucket List”. While mine has had some minor changes to did, the mass majority of it is the same from back them.

1) Visit all 50 states

Alabama         Maine                      Ohio
Alaska             Maryland                Oklahoma
Arkansas        Massachusetts        Oregon
California       Michigan                 Pennsylvania
Colorado         Minnesota              Rhode Island
Connecticut    Mississippi            South Carolina
Delaware         Missouri                South Dakota
Florida             Montana                Tennessee
Georgia            Nebraska               Texas
Hawaii             Nevada                   Utah
Idaho               New Hampshire   Vermont
Illinois             New Jersey            Virginia
Iowa                 New Mexico          Washington
Kansas             New York West   Wisconsin
Kentucky         North Carolina    Wyoming
Louisiana        North Dakota

2) Golf in all 50 states

Alabama         Maine                      Ohio
Alaska             Maryland                Oklahoma
Arkansas        Massachusetts        Oregon
California       Michigan                 Pennsylvania
Colorado         Minnesota              Rhode Island
Connecticut    Mississippi            South Carolina
Delaware         Missouri                South Dakota
Florida             Montana                Tennessee
Georgia            Nebraska               Texas
Hawaii             Nevada                   Utah
Idaho               New Hampshire   Vermont
Illinois             New Jersey            Virginia
Iowa                 New Mexico          Washington
Kansas             New York West   Wisconsin
Kentucky         North Carolina    Wyoming
Louisiana        North Dakota

3) Visit all 50 state capitals

Alabama         Maine                      Ohio
Alaska             Maryland                Oklahoma
Arkansas        Massachusetts        Oregon
California       Michigan                 Pennsylvania
Colorado         Minnesota              Rhode Island
Connecticut    Mississippi            South Carolina
Delaware         Missouri                South Dakota
Florida             Montana                Tennessee
Georgia            Nebraska               Texas
Hawaii             Nevada                   Utah
Idaho               New Hampshire   Vermont
Illinois             New Jersey            Virginia
Iowa                 New Mexico          Washington
Kansas             New York West   Wisconsin
Kentucky         North Carolina    Wyoming
Louisiana        North Dakota

4) Make love in all 50 states

Alabama         Maine                      Ohio
Alaska             Maryland                Oklahoma
Arkansas        Massachusetts        Oregon
California       Michigan                 Pennsylvania
Colorado         Minnesota              Rhode Island
Connecticut    Mississippi            South Carolina
Delaware         Missouri                South Dakota
Florida             Montana                Tennessee
Georgia            Nebraska               Texas
Hawaii             Nevada                   Utah
Idaho               New Hampshire   Vermont
Illinois             New Jersey            Virginia
Iowa                 New Mexico          Washington
Kansas             New York West   Wisconsin
Kentucky         North Carolina    Wyoming
Louisiana        North Dakota

5) Go camping in all 50 states

Alabama         Maine                      Ohio
Alaska             Maryland                Oklahoma
Arkansas        Massachusetts        Oregon
California       Michigan                 Pennsylvania
Colorado         Minnesota              Rhode Island
Connecticut    Mississippi            South Carolina
Delaware         Missouri                South Dakota
Florida             Montana                Tennessee
Georgia            Nebraska               Texas
Hawaii             Nevada                   Utah
Idaho               New Hampshire   Vermont
Illinois             New Jersey            Virginia
Iowa                 New Mexico          Washington
Kansas             New York West   Wisconsin
Kentucky         North Carolina    Wyoming
Louisiana        North Dakota

7) Visit a haunted house in all 50 states

Alabama         Maine                      Ohio
Alaska             Maryland                Oklahoma
Arkansas        Massachusetts        Oregon
California       Michigan                 Pennsylvania
Colorado         Minnesota              Rhode Island
Connecticut    Mississippi            South Carolina
Delaware         Missouri                South Dakota
Florida             Montana                Tennessee
Georgia            Nebraska               Texas
Hawaii             Nevada                   Utah
Idaho               New Hampshire   Vermont
Illinois             New Jersey            Virginia
Iowa                 New Mexico          Washington
Kansas             New York West   Wisconsin
Kentucky         North Carolina    Wyoming
Louisiana        North Dakota

8) Get married on the beach of Lake Michigan
9) Adopt a child
10) Have children
11) Make a million dollars
12) Buy a house and property
13) Become an Engineer
14) Build a dream house
15) Donate Blood
16) Make a family tree
17) Give to charity
18) Write my will

19) Go to the Indy 500
20) Go to the Daytona 500
21) Visit all the NASCAR tracks
22) Visit all the Baseball Stadiums
23) Run a marathon
24) Go to Olympics
25) Go to the World Cup
26) Learn to surf
27) Visit all the spring training facilities
28) Ride a mechanical bull
29) Go to the Buick Open
30) Coach a little girls’ soccer team
31) Visit all of the Professional Football Stadium

32) Visit all continents
North America
South America
33) Visit Washington DC
34) Visit France
35) Visit Spain
36) Go on a cruise
37) Visit Mexico
38) Visit Puerto Rico
39) Visit England
40) Visit Australia
41) Visit New Zealand
42) Visit Italy
43) Visit Germany
44) Swim in both Pacific & Atlantic Oceans
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
45) Visit Virgin Islands
46) Swim in all the Great Lakes
47) Drive across the US from coast to coast
48) Visit the Amazon Rainforest
49) Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
50) Visit the 7 wonders of the world
Machu Picchu – Peru
The Collisseum – Rome
Petra – Jordan
Christ Redeemer – Brazil
The Great Wall of China
Chichen Itza – Mexico
The Taj Mahal – India
51) Visit the Rocky Mountains & Appalachia Mountain Ranges
Rocky Mountains
Appalachia Mountains
52) Visit a real castle
53) Visit Civil War Battle Fields
54) Visit Pearl Harbor
55) Visit the beaches of Normandy
56) Stay the night in a historical hotel
57) Drive along Route 66
58) Visit the gravesites of famous athletes/people
59) Spend Christmas on the beach
60) Play in a waterfall
61) Stay a half of a day in a concentration camp
62) Swim in the Gulf of Mexico
63) Get a puppy
64) Restore a classic car
65) Raise cattle
66) Raise pigs
67) Raise chickens
68) Buy a Kayak
69) Buy a brand spanking new truck
70) Buy a boat

71) Shot glasses
72) Sport memorabilia
73) Coins
74) Baseballs
75) Golf balls
76) Wine

77) Watch a space shuttle launch
78) Go deep sea fishing
79) Learn to bartend
80) Learn to scrapbook
81) Start a business
82) Learn to cook
83) Complete a 365 day challenge
84) Get a tattoo
85) Learn to knit/crochet
86) Dance in the rain
87) Keep a book of favorite quotes (including random quotes, poems, and songs)
88) Learn to kayak
89) Run a 5K
90) Photograph Bucket List
91) Take a photography class
92) Build a tree fort
93) Sleep completely under the stars
94) Make love in all the rooms of the house
95) Leave a dollar in a place where a child will be to find it
96) Leave a note in a library book
97) Plant a tree
98) Ride in a hot air balloon
99) Learn to scuba dive
100) Let someone feed me seedless grapes

What are some of the things on your Bucket List?

Over and out,

July 2014 Goals

I have been inspired to write down my monthly goals…okay I don’t even make monthly goals but I love Kim’s, from Newly Woodwards, monthy goals. I figured hey why not give it a try, maybe I will feel slightly more accomplished at the end of the month.

Here goes nothing!

july goals

My goals for the month of July are:

  1. Money: Start saving more but not necessarily budgeting. I already budget but what I save rarely goes into any type of savings account. I have reworked my budget to allow me to actually put money into my savings account.
  2. Health: Over the last couple of months I have been trying to change my how/what I eat. Not necessarily a diet but a lifestyle change. One of the things that I want to start doing this month is drinking less pop. I want to start with just having one pop every other day. I know it probably seems like nothing but I generally have a pop or two each day.
  3. Travel: Go somewhere fun in the state of Michigan.
  4. Projects: I want to start AND complete two DIY projects this month as well. I have a lot of awesome storage ideas I want to do to help the tiny apartment seem less tiny. And to help save my sanity.
  5. Try Something New: I want to learn or try something new this month. Not quite sure what this “something new” will be yet. Suggestions?
  6. Bucket List: Cross something off the Bucket List.
  7. Friendships: Remember to connect with friends.

What are your monthly goals? Anything fun planned for this month?

Over and out,

Happy Birthday to Me!


Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to Lyndsey! Happy Birthday to me!

On June 12, 1990 I was born! It was a rainy Tuesday…okay I have no idea what the weather was or what day it fell on. However, now that I think about it, I can probably look it up on Google…

Off to Google…

june 1990

Okay that’s kind of funny. I totally just guessed a day, I promise I didn’t go look it up before hand!

june 12 1990 weather

However, I was wrong on the whole rain thing…I was born near Detroit (Dearborn, MI) so I will take Detroit weather for being pretty similar to Dearborn.

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photo (3)

My brother

You may be wondering why I am including a picture of my brother, Pat, in a post about me and my birthday…but it’s actually quite a funny story. My mom has our hospital pictures in frames in her curio cabinet. When I was little I asked her who the babies in the pictures were. My mom pointed to the pictures and said “That’s your brother and that’s you.” And I instantly started crying an responded ” I don’t want to be the ugly baby.” My brother was awake and alert when he had his picture taken and well I was woken up they could take my picture…this might actually explain why I hate it when people wake me up.

photo (5)

I ended up being a pretty cute kid, even though I was the ugly baby…

photo (4)

I had ridiculous curly hair…mini Shirley Temple going on. I still have crazy curly hair but I love it. They say that all the girls with straight hair want curly hair and all the girls with curly hair want straight hair…I don’t want straight her. I have a hair straighter but I couldn’t tell you the last time I actually used it. I just brace the craziness that is my hair, I don’t have the time or the patience to go through straightening my hair.

Over and out,