Taco Chicken Salad

This isn’t a chicken taco salad, it’s a taco chicken salad.

I love tacos and anything that has to do with tacos. And since I’ve been trying to eat a little healthier, I feel like this is a great alternative to tortillas .

A taco chicken salad is chicken that has been coated in a taco seasoning and fried then put on top of a salad. A chicken taco salad is a taco salad with chicken added to it..see the difference.

It’s perfect when the chicken is warm or when the chicken is cold. I pack it for lunch the day after and I don’t reheat the chicken.




  1. Coat the chicken in taco seasoning and olive oil.
  2. Cook the chicken no longer pink in a frying pan.
  3. Prepare salad fixings.
  4. Top with chicken and dressing.


Over and out,